Our Mission


LILAS (lee.la) began with a simple mission: to put women at the front and center of their health and wellness choices and products. 

We involve women in every step of our product ideation and creation.  

Why do women continue to endure just because they can? Why aren't there more products to make our lives easier?"

Our story

My Life Completely Changed..

After I became pregnant with my daughter. Although pregnancy and the transition into motherhood was a beautiful and fulfilling journey, it was a difficult one. The hormonal rollercoaster, childbirth, postpartum recovery, sleepless nights, breastfeeding.

I knew I was just one among millions of women going through this but I did not understand why the lives of women over generations have not been made any less difficult. 

I realized: to make great and effective products for women we must make women central to the process. At LILAS, we invest the time to speak to women and truly understand their wellness needs.

LILAS Wellness Blog

Wellness for Women By WOMEN